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WiFi Modules
ESP-32S Wifi And Bluetooth Module
$8.69ESP32 comes in the NodeMCU structure we are familiar with, but it also offers bluetooth support. Exciting for IOT applications, this ESP-WROOM-32 model features internal antenna, RF balun, power amplifier, low-noise amplifier, filters and power management unit. It features 2.4 GHz dual-mode Wi-Fi and TSMC 40nm low power technology Bluetooth chips.
NodeMCU Lua WiFi ESP8266- CP2102 Extension Card
$4.58Esp8266 is an affordable and breadboard-compatible development board that allows you to easily consume your projects based on ESP8266.
ESP8266 ESP-01 Serial WiFi Module
$2.62ESP8266 Wifi Serial Radio Module is a very useful Wifi module. It can easily connect to the Wifi network in the environment and send and receive data packets.